Thursday, January 8, 2009

jan 8

A shot of my daughter, trying to "catch up" on homework.
Poor thing was ill the week before Christmas break with pneumonia. Two weeks on holiday in addition to a week of illness is an eternity for a six year old!
She went to school fearing she'd "forgotten" how to write and that "no one would remember" her. It broke my heart when she told me that was why she had had a "belly ache" these past few days : (
And I've been complaining how hard it is to get back in the routine!

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  1. precious photo--love the angle! And her sparkle snowflake shirt! Tooo cute!

  2. The photograph is lovely as is she. Your journaling just makes me want to give her a hug, poor thing. Thankfully, she now knows no one forgot her and soon she will be caught up. A reassuring moment in the end when she realizes her worries were for naught. Love the look of quiet concentration.

  3. Beautiful photo...i love the way you captured it. Great eye for "framing"

  4. I love the angle of your photo and the close cropping. Poor little girl...worrying about being forgotten. I bet she was relieved once there and saw that everyone remembered. :o)
