Monday, January 26, 2009

jan 26

Today I stumbled on, "the word", instead of the photo for a change.
I thought and thought...and thought more about what it meant to me... Special. My mind was in over drive all day about it. I took tons of pictures, but none were right. I don't mean in a photography since of the word, but what it represented to me. Now don't get me wrong, my family and my home are my world, but so cliche', right!?
As I was saying good night to my daughter, I was totally taken off guard by this scene. I don't know when she did it, but next to her bed was: a trophy plate her Daddy won "for her", a night light of mine when I was little (the angel), a pin her grandmother gave her at Christmas and a few other "treasures" she's collected. All special to her .
Now, I can sleep ; )
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  1. I am exactly like you. I obsess so much over these words. LOL! Your "find" is wonderful. Perfect!

  2. beautiful the story behind each and every treasure
